Our Expertise

Tristan Squire

Consulting & Assessement experience

The main contact is Tristan Squire (MA, Heritage Management), the founder of Squire Heritage Consulting (SHC). Between 2004 and 2006, he was a senior planner with a group of London architects. Here he dealt with projects involving listed buildings and sensitive urban areas (i.e. Camden Stables Market, Chandos House and New Bond Street). After that he worked as a conservation advisor to two London Boroughs where he produced several conservation area appraisals. Since 2007 he has worked in an independent capacity for a wide range of clients in different parts of England and abroad. He trained at York University (1993) and has a specialist qualification in management and training (CMI). 

We work in association with a number of experienced professionals, balancing the aspirations of clients with the sensitivities of the historic built environment.

Expertise on development in historic settings increasingly requires a full understanding of the impacts on heritage assets and community interests. We have worked on unique listed buildings in London and the south east as well as modest groups of high street, village or estate buildings nationwide, nevertheless valued for their interest and significance.

Historic resources

Historic resources are an integral part of the built environment and from that perspective, their presence affects everyone. Everyone lives in a city, town, suburb, or rural area and everyone is affected by the physical world around them. History and culture are embodied in this physical world, which inevitably traces the passage of time, making our collective heritage.

Historic England is the national authority responsible for ensuring the protection of England’s historic environment. They produce conservation guidance, comment on applications affecting important heritage assets and manage the listing system.

Historic England provide expert advice through its local planning teams. It also holds a wealth of historical information that is accessed via the Heritage Gateway online and by its Swindon archive.

The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) is the UK’s professional body for historic environment conservation specialists, working in areas that help secure the conservation of historic places, buildings, sites or areas. They offer a range of useful information on the historic environment, including news and technical resources.

The potential for buildings and structures, landscapes and neighbourhoods, to be historic, is central to the interest and expertise of the following Statutory Consultees who should be consulted in more important applications;

The Council for British ArchaeologyThe Victorian Society
The Gardens TrustThe Georgian Group
Ancient Monuments SocietyThe Twentieth Century Society
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