Kettering design guide

Undertook research and made assessments to create a shop front design guide in Kettering. This document helped to inform the suitable design of new and the repair of existing shop fronts in Burton Latimer and the Market Place Conservation Area. The commission involved research of local sources and on-site surveys. A Gazateer was created. Historical information on shops was followed by an analysis of the quality of surviving shopfronts and an assessment of their character. In summary, the town centre offered much interest, with buildings testifying to Kettering’s transformation from medieval market town to Victorian industrial centre:  Its significance is given through Georgian frontages interspersed with grand Victorian Banks, public houses and the occasional smart 1930’s classical or modern interloper. We determined what degree of intervention would be needed, from minor repairs, restoration and replacement. In addition, we recommended the improvement of several existing shops following the advice contained in the generic guide.