Commonweal Lodge, Purley, Croydon

An unlisted building in the Webb Estate & Upper Woodcote Village Conservation Area, the future redevelopment of the Commonweal Lodge (former Victorian school) was subject to considerations of its value in the wider natural and built landscape. It’s location in a residential suburban settlement whose  historical importance (the Webb Estate) was based on the ‘Garden First’ tradition made the future of the site  a highly sensitive matter. For this building and others in the surroundings, were influenced by the Arts and Crafts and are widely considered to be the origins of the Garden City movement. Whilst the significance of the Lodge depended on its visibility within a heavily landscaped area, it had been vacant for many years and suffered from worsening condition. We considered the implications of cumulative change on the multi-period site; as later developments detracted from the buildings significance, so the case for its demolition was made. The Inspectorate were shown that the proposed was sympathetic and could work within the setting of local heritage assets, thereby facilitating greater appreciation of its significance. We emphasized that in paying regards to Webb’s mantra that buildings should respect the landscape, the new was designed to appear as a ‘small holding within one large garden’. In this respect we claimed the replacement building will continue to play a part in the architectural and historic interest of the area.