new development regeneration

New homes in Stevenage Conservation Area

A heritage and design assessment helped guide a successful application for a site close to the railway station in Stevenage.

The objective of the assessment was to support a small housing development (7 flats) at no’s 29-31 Orchard Road. The area is located in a Conservation Area and holds historic significance, with remnants of the former railway infrastructure and landmark buildings such as the Mallard and Rising Sun public houses. The design of the new building was considered to complement the surrounding historic character and scale, with a focus on traditional architecture and the use of materials in harmony with the locality. In this respect it was meaningful that the overall design was based on the concept of the railway buildings and the rectangular warehouse/ shed type. The ridge height of the new building settles well against the existing heights of Julian’s Road and therefore reflects local scale. The use of brick would also be in character with the majority of buildings nearby.

The new elevations will enhance the area’s character whilst helping ‘to nourish’ an appreciation of the historic buildings in the wider context. The design was well-received by the planners as it embraced the heritage of Orchard Road and addressed the space constraints and mid-density development patterns of the urban setting.