Melsons Arms, Luton

Preparation of a supporting statement for a scheme to regenerate a site in Central Luton (within the Plaiter’s Lea Conservation Area) with 18 flats. Against the background of many listed buildings and the historical context of the 'hatting industry' (19th/ 20th centuries) the proposals were found to provide an enhancement to the area's character and appearance. As a locally listed building within the Conservation Area, the assessment of the Melson Arms considered the internal and external characteristics of the building. The case for its demolition was based on it not being a good example of a Late Victorian building nor for having the potential for conversion or re-use. Our work considered the issue of sympathetic development, as many mid-late 20th century schemes had led to buildings being demolished or refurbished with little thought to urban quality and historic integrity. In addition, the immediate area of the centre was constrained through having many ‘old’ small units, not easily adaptable or useable. The ‘Heritage-led’ approach to change led to the creation (2014) of a new space and buildings in keeping with the historic urban context.