Madani Girls School, Poplar, London

A Heritage Statement was prepared to form part of the planning application for the development of an annex to the rear of the late 19th century school in Tower Hamlets. Described by Pevsner as a "unique, outstanding design" the building features two semi-circular staircase towers with a copper dome. The listing reflects the flamboyant nature of the architecture, as opposed to the more composed treatment given to the Georgian terrace buildings in the surrounding area. The use of red brick work around the widows represented the continuing use of such brick for influential buildings in late Victorian urban centres. Interesting architectural elements of the exterior include the remains of details such as stucco bands, the recessed arched windows and the stucco. The proposal involved no demolition and the erection of one new building on the site of the rear car park/ amenity area. Whilst the new building would be enclosed on three sides by existing boundary walls, our work assured Tower Hamlets there would be no absence of impact on historic fabric and that scale and massing would be sympathetic to the host building.