The Kasbah, Grimsby Fish Docks

The Kasbah is an area of historic buildings set within the heart of Grimsby’s Fish Docks. It contains the highest concentration of surviving smoke houses in the country as well as shops and warehouses that were built to service the fishing industry. A number of these buildings are statutorily listed. Much of the Fish dock had become (by 2012) redundant, meaning there were many vacant or under-utilised buildings in a poor condition. Initial interest (by The Princes Regeneration Trust) in the listed Ice Factory placed a spotlight onto the wider Docks and Kasbah area and the potential for intervention before the site’s significance is lost. Therefore, an assessment was commissioned to help inform the regeneration proposals by summarising the history and significance of the Kasbah. The report analysed the buildings and provided recommendations on an appropriate degree of change that will allow regeneration whilst maintaining the area’s unique character and significance We worked with a larger team on the analysis of (un) listed buildings and historic spaces, helping to identify the scale and type of redevelopment options including repair, renewal and replacement. Consequently, the Docks received protection in October 2017 as a Conservation Area, thereby ensuring that plans to transform the entire town could be made without detracting from the significance of the Kasbah.