Middleton Towers, Lancashire

The statement was prepared to assess proposals to construct a flood defence system in the close proximity to Middleton Towers, a listed sandstone rubble ‘folly’ on the Lancashire coastline. As part of a group of three early Victorian buildings located on the land edge to the sea, we assessed the Tower’s architectural and historical significance, concluding with a qualified appraisal of the changes against design and policy criteria.

After being a Holiday Camp and owned by Pontins from 1955 until its closure in 1994, the land became a half complete gated ‘retirement’ community.

These changes in occupation have had mixed impacts on the Tower’s setting and its understanding in a local context.

The evaluation determined how the construction of a new flood defence scheme could, if designed sensitively to the setting, preserve and enhance the special character of the Towers and its landscape. The development would see change managed discretely so that the impact of development upon the setting of the Tower was minimised (or screened) to the point whereby there would be no impact; that is a neutral impact.